Antihistimines- Level 3

Drugs- Azatadine, Azelastine, Brompheniramine, Buclizine,
Cetirizine, Chlorpheniramine, Clemastine, Cyclizine,
Cyproheptadine, Desloratadine, Dimenhydrinate,
Diphenhydramine, Fexofenadine, Hydroxyzine, Loratadine,
Meclizine, Promethazine
What is it?
 Antihistamines- Relief of Symptoms associated with
Allergies; Control of Nausea, Vomiting, Dizziness for
Motion Sickness, Asthma
 Side Effects- Depression, Sedation, Nightmares, Hair Loss,
Itching, Dry Mouth, GI Upset, Loss of Appetite, Nausea,
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Menstrual Disorder, Cough, Dizziness,
Drowsiness, Difficulty Breathing, Hallucinations, Tremors,
Loss of Coordination, Unusual Bruising or Bleeding,
Irregular Heartbeat, Visual Disorders
 Increased- Antihistamine Effects with MAOIs; CNS/Central
Nervous System Depressant with Alcohol
What can I do?
 See your Health Care Provider- as needed
 See your Pharmacist- for help
 AVOID- if Allergic to Antihistamines,
Pregnancy, Lactation, Peptic Ulcer; Alcohol
 See FFF RD- on line for help; Take with Food if GI Upset;
Sugarless Sours for Dry Mouth; Good and Frequent Mouth
Care; Increase Intake of Fluids