Obesity Prevention
What is Obesity Prevention
- Healthy Weight- for the individual person to prevent diseases, life-style changes
- IBW/Ideal Body Weight- Male is 106 lbs. for the first 5 feet and 6 lbs. per inch after 5 feet plus or minus 10%; Women 100 lbs. for the first 5 feet and 5 lbs. per inch after 5 feet plus or minus 10%
- Obesity- height/weight ratio, BMI/Body Mass Index which is weight divided by height in inches 2 times x 703; Overweight- > 27; Treatment- > 30, > 40 High Risk for health problems- Diabetes, Heart, Hypertension, Degenerative Joint Disease
Signs and Symptoms
- Abnormal Eating Disorders- binge eating similar to bulimia nervosa but no self induced vomiting, night eating syndrome usually triggered by stress and emotional upset with a lack of appetite in the morning
- Development- increase in number and size of fat cells, childhood obesity increases fat cells 5 times more than normal person; fat cells cannot be reduced but can reduce the amount of fat in the cell; Waist-> 35 for women, Waist-> 40 for Men
- Calories- must consume fewer calories; 3,500 Calories is 1 lb.; decrease 500 calories per day to lose 1 lb. per week
- Methods for Weight Loss- self-help from books or other sources, non-clinical programs by those not licensed or educated to help with weight loss; and programs with licensed individuals who are educated to help with weight loss
- Behavior Modification- making permanent changes in eating and exercise; safe, simple, gradual changes to increase high fiber foods/complex carbohydrates and to decrease simple sugars and high fat foods; eat fewer calories, increase activity
What can I do
- See your Health Care Provider- ask about weight programs, see a Registered, Licensed Dietitian
- Exercise- need to set realistic goals, 30 minutes per day; 5-7 days/week
- See Registered Dietitian- for help as needed
- Diet- Increase fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, dried peas and beans, legumes, choose chicken and fish over steak, bacon, and cured ham
- AVOID- fried foods, rich casseroles, whole milk, sauces, gravies, rich desserts as chocolate delight, banana split cake, ice cream, homemade cakes with icing, brownie with icing, meringue pies, rich cookies and puddings