Cancer Prevention
- Phytochemicals- loaded with disease fighting compounds, anticancer, stop cancer cell multiplication, even treat certain cancers, found in foods of plant origin
- Retinoids (Vitamin A derivatives)- have been effective in reducing the reoccurrence rate of some cancers
- Risk Factors- Family History, Age (more than 65 years) due to weakened immune system
- Mother or Sister with Breast Cancer- increases chances 1.5 to 3 times; some linked to gene mutation increases chance of breast cancer 80 to 90% and ovarian cancer 40 to 50%
- Many Viruses- cause Cancer as Hepatitis B, Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus, HIV, parasite Schistosoma, Clonorchis
What do I need to do?
- See your Health Care Prvoider
- AVOID- Smoking, Second Hand Smoking increases risk of developing Mouth, Lung, Bladder and Larynx Cancer
- DIET- High Fiber reduces Colon Cancer Risk; Less Saturated Fat and Less Fat (Less than 25 to 30%) reduces Colon, Breast and possibly Prostate Cancer; Increase Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains
- AVOID- Smoked, Pickled, Spoiled or Charred Foods to reduce Stomach Cancer; Avoid Alcohol to reduce Esophageal Cancer
- Ionizing Radiation- X-rays, Nuclear Power Plants, Atomic Bomb Explosions increases risk of Leukemia, Cancer of Blood Cells
- AVOID- Sunlight causes Skin Cancer
- Uranium- Mine Workers increases the Development of Lung Cancer 15 to 20 years later
- Avoid- Asbestos Exposure linked to Lung Cancer