Food and Drug Interactions
What is it?
- Medicines react with- food, drugs, alcohol, beverages, caffeine, cigarettes
- Medication- treatment given to build patient’s immune system beneath the tongue, liquid, under the skin, on the skin, in the muscle
- Food- taken into the body to build tissue, supply body heat, help with all the organs of the body
Signs and Symptoms
- Medications- less effective, dangerous
- Other Symptoms- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash loss of appetite, each medication affects each person different
- Variations- dosage, age, sex, family history, weight, health, food-what you eat/when you eat, other medications
- Medications- treat, cure health problems, relieve pain,
- Factors- Diet, Life-style, absorption of medicine
- Any Medication- can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or loss of appetite, skin rash
What can I do?
- See your Health care Provider- if symptoms persist as stated above
- See a Registered Dietitian- for help as needed
- See a Food Fitness First Registered Dietitian- on line for help
- Medicine- take with 8 to 10 ounces of water, don’t mix with food or beverage unless directed to do
- AVOID- taking a medication without reading the directions, talk to your Physician or Pharmacist if questions, do not mix with food or take apart unless directed by your Physician or Pharmacist, taking vitamins with other medicines, mixing with hot drinks or alcohol