Cocaine Use
Drug Addiction:
- Cocaine- is more powerful than amphetamines, short acting drug
- Uncontrolled- taken orally, inhaled, snorted, injected through the vein (mainlining); freebase- when boiled with sodium bicarbonate called crack cocaine which is smoked and acts as fast as mainlining
- Controlled-STOP
- Increases- heart rate, blood pressure, can cause a fatal heart attack even in young healthy athletes; intestinal damage, constipation, nervousness, “cootie bugs” moving under the skin, nerve damage; violent behavior, seizures, sleeplessness, hallunications, paranoid delusions
- Pregnancy- more likely to miscarry; if delivers fetus may be damaged
- Baby- abnormal sleep patterns, poor coordination; delayed speech, walking, crawling; can be linked to nutritional deficiencies, poor prenatal care, abuse of drugs
- Nervousness Reduction- users add alcohol or heroin as a depressant
- Symptoms- sense of extreme alertness, great power, euphoria, hyperactivity, increased heart rate
- Heavy Users- anxiety, hyper-sexual behavior, erratic, grandiose, paranoia
- High- lasts about 30 minutes, user takes repeated doses,/li>
Treatment for Cocaine
- Long Term Use- suicidal, depressed, needs close supervision; entering drug treatment center is best
- Drug Treatment Center- counseling, psychotherapy, antidepressants, lithium
- Withdrawals- depression, fatigue, suicidal
- Tested- urine, blood
What can I do?
- See your Physician-talk with about a drug treatment center, ask about help
- See RD- for help as needed
- See FFF RD- on line for help