Quit Smoking
Make a Plan:
- Uncontrolled- excuses for smoking, list reasons for Smoking
- Controlled-STOP, list reasons to Stop
Instead of Smoking:
- Be Productive- with your hands, set goals and stick with them; keep busy; find something you like to do, start a small business
- Exercise- start slow and build, do with a friend or family member, relax
- Be Considerate of Others- second hand smoking cause health problems for your family and friends; respiratory infections, cancer
- Better Health- decreases chances of heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, fewer colds, all smells and tastes better, can breathe better, fewer wrinkles, less coughing, can exercise, can have more control over my life
- MONEY- save this in a jar or an account and set goals of what you would like to purchase for you or your family
What can I do?
- See your Health Care Provider talk with your Physician about alternatives/medications
- See Registered Dietitian- for help as needed
- See FoodFitnessFirst.com Registered Dietitian- on line for help
- Diary- with date, time, number smoked, place, activity; know when you are triggered to smoke; set deadlines, contact a support group or person, stay positive
- Alternatives- what can you do instead, Quit Cold Turkey, Tapering Off, use Nicotine Replacement Products or Medications, hypnosis, acupuncture; gums, mints, crunchy vegetables or fruits, talk with family and friends; switch to a brand that does not taste as good or lower in tar and nicotine
- Manage- stress, hunger, sleep problems, irritability
- Eating Habits- Meats should be broiled, boiled, baked, roasted, stewed, grilled or stir-fried; use lower fat milk and dairy products, use more fresh fruits and vegetables, eat less desserts, use less sugar, salt, and saturated fats
- AVOID- Fried foods, butter, cream, whole milk, salad dressings unless lower fat, casseroles, pizza, lasagna, sauces, gravies, macaroni and cheese, mixed meat dishes, use lower fat dairy products