

  • Increases- Risk for Atherosclerosis, COPD (Chronic Obstructive
    Pulmonary Disease), Lung Cancer, Heart Failure, Hypertension, High Blood Pressure, CAD (Coronary Artery Disease), Mouth Cancer, Asthma, Bronchitis, Birth Defects if Pregnant, Frequent Ear Infection in Children, Problems with Erection, Osteoporosis, Ulcers (Peptic or Gastric)
  • Smokers- Metabolize or Use Caffeine in the Blood more quickly than Non Smokers; Cut back on Caffeine if Quit Smoking
  • Smoking- Increases Inflammation of the Upper Respiratory Tract, decreases the Effectiveness of the Body’s Natural Defenses
  • Reasons for Smoking- BAD Habit, Psychological Dependence, Physical Dependencer

What do I need to do?

  • See a Physician- ask about Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), Patch, Gum, Lozenges, Nasal Spray, Inhaler, Pill/Non-Nicotine
  • See a Registered Dietitian- for more information
  • Increase- Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Whole Grains
  • ALWAYS- Wash Hands after Smoking, Shaking Hands, Going to the Bathroom, Sneezing, Blowing Your Nose, Touching a Garbage Can (Goal- Wash Hands more than 30 times a Day)
  • Set Goals- Preparing to Quit, Choosing to Quit with Dates, Coping with Withdrawal, Fighting Slips and Relapses, Commitment to Yourself, Family and Friends