Safe Food Handling

Rules To Remember:

  • Wrap Cheese tightly to prevent drying
  • Cross-stack egg cartons to allow circulation
  • Separate butter, milk, cream from all foods having odors, the egg shell is porous and absorbs odors and moisture
  • Eggs are packed with pointed ends down and should remain this way since they are less likely to break. This position leaves the air cells in the round part of the egg at the top.
  • Keep everything off the floor
  • Rotate food by putting new purchases in the back
  • Do not overload freezers and refrigerators
  • Discard any chipped trays, dishes, glasses
  • Beef improves in tenderness and flavor with aging, but pork, lamb, mutton, and veal are subject to rapid deterioration. These should be kept for short periods of time.
  • Do not buy past the "sell by" date
  • Fresh fish should be stored in cracked ice and away from foods that absorb odors, as eggs and butter/margarine
  • Eggs, Meats, Protein foods should be stored on bottom shelves
  • Wash your hands, utensils, all food preparation surfaces before anmd after preparing foods.
    • Proper hand washing- hot, soapy water for at least 30 seconds, rinse thoroughly and dry with paper towels, do not touch trash can
    • Use a nail brush for fingernails
    • Never eat foods with raw eggs
    • Always wash hands after touching raw meats or eggs
    • More at risk- infants, pregnant women, elderly, people with weakened immune systems or lonh term illness
  • When shopping buy all refrigerated items last and keep meats away from other foods, have on lower shelf and place in a plastic bag
    • Avoid any foods that have torn bags, dented/buldging/leaky cans
  • Buy pasteurized milk and cheese
  • Use plastic cutting boards, AVOID WOOD