Portion Control
What is the purpose of Portion Control?
- Quality Control
- Quantity Control
- Specification of Foods- FIFO, Temperatures, Equipment working well, 16 inches ceiling/sprinkler heads, 6 inches off floor
Quality Portion Control:
- Standardized Recipes- Yield/Portion/Uniform Portions, Preparation, Cooking Time, Prevent Waste/Spoilage- label, date, cover, rotation of stock, Bent/Damaged Cans
- Diets as prescribed
- Consistency each time served- customer satisfaction
- Financial Goals met, Cost Control, Budget, Meal Census
Portion Control Tools:
- Scoops, Ladles, Recipes, Meat Scales, Portion Scales, Buying Portions, Pan Sizes/Yield, Measurements, Equipment
- Proper Storage
- Planning and Implementation
What can I do?
- Make sure Eyeballing is not used
- inaccurate
- confusion
- waste, shortage
- special diets
- Stability of Staff- Well Trained Employees
- Sanitation Score
- Methods of Cooking, Defrosting, Handwashing