Avens- Herbal-Level 3
What is it used for?
Common Uses- Chills, Chronic Diarrhea, , Insect Bites, Fever, Sore Throat,
Stomach Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Wound Healing
o United States- None is available Commercially
Common Uses- to Wart off Evil Spirits, Repel Poisonous Creatures
Compared- to Tylenol, drugs containing acetaminophen, drugs to reduce
inflammation, may have some anti-inflammatory effect
Key Indicators/Explanations:
Common Names- Benedict’s Herb, City Avens, Clove Root, Colewort, Geum,
Goldy Star, Herb Bennet, Way Bennet, Wild Rye, Wood Avens
Signs and Symptoms:
AVOID- using if Pregnant, Breast-Feeding, always report an unusual
conditions to your Health Care Provider
Common Doses- Tinture or Tea- 1 dram (fluid extract of the herb), 1/2 to 1
dram (fluid extract of the root), Tonic- 15 to 30 grains (powdered root or
herb) taken orally 3 times per day
Volatile Oil- extracted from the dried herb, Rhizome (underground stem),
or root of Geum Urbanum, Member of the Rose Family (Rosaceae)
What can I do?
See your Health Care Provider- Always talk with Health Care Provider
before using any Herbal
See a FFF Registered Dietitian- on line for help