Basil (Sweet Basil, St. Josephwort- contains VitaminsAandC,
grows 2feet,mint family)
What isit used for?
Leaves, Flower Topsused-for Intestinal Parasites, Skin Infections, Acne
Stimulate- the Immune System
Key Indicators/Explanations:
Greek and Romans- Symbol of Hostility and Insanity
Folk Tradition-Herb of Love, Faithfulness
Holy Basil- Sacred, Protector of Life and Death, Protective Powers,
Prosperity, to wart off Evil Spirits
Treatment of- Stomach, Kidney and Blood Ailments, Cancer Tumors,
Warts, Intestinal Worms, Colds, Alcoholism, Boredom, Child Recovery,
Chlorea, Croup, Constipation, Convulsions, Deafness, Delirium, diarrhea,
Depression, Dropsy, CHF (Congestive Heart Failure), Dysentery, Ringworm
Infections, to Induce Labor, Deafness, Promote Menstruation, Digestive
Aid, Appetite Stimulant, Milk Promoter in Nursing Women, Infection
Infusion- use 1 T. dried leaves per 1 cup of boiling water, steep 15
minutes, drink up to 3 cups/day
Tincture- use 1 t. 3 times/day
Avoid- in children under 2, Adults over 65, Pregnant, start with a low
strength and increase
Discontinue if causes- StomachUpset, Diarrhea,
What can I do?
See yourHealth Care Provider
See a FFF Registered Dietitian- on line for help