What is used for?
*Reduction of- anxiety, restlessness, stress
*Asthma, insomnia, muscle spasms, pain, psychosis, rheumatism, seizures,
venereal disease, wounds
*Active Ingredient- act as anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant
*AVOID- has been linked to serious liver damage
*Member of the black pepper family
-large shrub with broad, heart shaped leaves
*Does not contain alcohol, not an opiate or a hallucinogen, not addictive
-can become psychologically dependent on the herb
*Side effects- vision problems, poor judgement, changes in muscle tone
*Continuous use- changes in blood chemistry, dry/flaking/discolored skin,
exaggerated kneecap reflex, pulmonary hypertension, reddened eyes,
shortness of breath, weight loss
*AVOID- using with depressants, alcohol, nursing mothers, during pregnancy
-ask MD if using > 3 months
*Popular Beverage- South Pacific Islands
-feeling of tranquil, euphoric, sociable
-served at weddings, funerals, births, ceremonial rites of passage
-drink prepared from pulverized roots, capsules, tablets, extract
-70-240 mg.- kavapyrone/day
-90-100 mg.- dried kava extract three times/day for anxiety
-freshly prepared kava beverage- 400-900 grams weekly
What can I do?
*See your Physician
*See FFF RD on line for help