Valerian-Herbal-Level 3

What is it use for?
*Induces- a restful sleep, relaxation, calming agent,
induces a restful sleep, helps in panic attacks, reduces muscular
*Traditional Use- hysteria, cramps, high blood pressure,
indigestion, palpitations, painful menstruation, insomnia
Key Indicators/Explanations:
*Valerian- may be combined with passion fruit making a
deeper sedative
-Combined with Licorice or Hyssop- used as cough expectorant
*Mouthwash- to treat mouth ulcers
Side Effects:
*Long Time Use- Blurred Vision, Headache. Nausea,
May Cause an Allergy, Irregular Heartbeats
*AVOID- using with Alcohol or Drugs, If Pregnant, If Liver
Disease, Driving, Giving to Children
What can I do?
*See your Physician
*See FFF RD on line for help