Anticonvulsant (Prevent seizures)

(C) Carbamazepine (tegretol)
 (Pr) Primidone (mysoline)
 (Ph) Phenytoin (dilantin)
 (Pheno) Phenobarbitol
 Patients on Tube Feedings- should have feedings held 1-2 hours before
and after administering the drug to prevent decreased absorption of the
Effect of Medication on Nutritional Status:
 (C)−Anorexia, change in taste, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
 (Pr)−Causes megaloblastic anemia; See FFF Megaloblastic Anemia sheet
 (Ph)−Decrease in serum folate
 (Ph)-Blocks hydroxylation of Vitamin D to liver, increase Vitamin D turnover
 (Pheno)-May cause a folate deficiency
 (Pheno)-Vitamin D deficiency due to decreased absorption of Calcium
Medication Intake:
 (C)−Take with food
 (Pr)−Talk with your Physician about folic acid supplement & medication
 (Ph)-Take with your Physician about folate supplementation & medication
(may impair the medication)
 (Ph)-Liberal intake of dairy and dairy products
 (Pheno)-Avoid Alcohol
 (Pheno)-Folate supplement in adults; folate & Vitamin D in children
Notes by MD:______________________________________________________
Signature/Date: ____________________________________________________
Notes by Nurse: ____________________________________________________
Signature/Date: ____________________________________________________
Other specify ______________________________________________________