Warm Up Stretches 2

*Exercise 1:
*Stand- with legs about 2 feet apart, suck stomach in
*Turn left foot out, bend left knee, right leg straight, bend to left
*Stretch right arm over head, rest left forearm on right leg to support spine
*Exercise 2:
*Put your body in a > shape-bend at waist with your back and neck straight, legs
should be one in front of the other and both hands resting on front leg below knee
(right leg behind left and right knee bent, left leg straight)
*Bend over left leg and lift buttocks level with head- hands below left knee for
support, feel a stretch in left hamstring, repeat to other side
*Exercise 3:
*Suck tummy in, right leg back, left knee bent, keep body weight slightly forward
*Hold hands together in a fist behind back, push chest forward
*Feel stretch in left calf and across the chest
*Repeat with other leg
*Exercise 4:
*Stand and suck in stomach- feet about 10-12 inches apart, balance
*Raise right foot behind you with right hand holding and try and touch buttock
*Release and repeat to other side, repeat 10 to 12 times
*Exercise 5:
*Stand with feet hip about 12 inches apart, suck stomach in, rest hands on upper legs
*Bend back toward front (as with bad posture), suck in stomach and relax
*Repeat in a slow and controlled manner 10 to 12 times or as MD directs

*See your Physician and repeat all 10 to 12 times or as directed
*First and last 3 minutes of exercise do slower
*See a Physical Therapist
*See FFF RD on line for help with Meal Planning, Diet as needed