Shopping Tips
1. Make a LIST.
2. Eat First - Don’t Go Hungry!
3. What to look for?
a. Fruits and Vegetables- Fresh or Frozen, Avoid Juices
b. Meats- Fresh Meats- Chicken, Fish, Pork, Beef- Remove Fat and
Skin; Red Meats- no white fat inside
c. Dairy- choose skim or fat free for milk, cheeses, yogurt, cottage
cheese, cream cheese
d. Grains- Breads and Cereals- Whole Wheat, Whole Grain, Brown
e. Fats- Oils- Canola, Peanut, Olive
Salad Dressings- Fat Free
Margarine- oil or water is the first ingredient
f. Convenience Foods- Healthy Choice Frozen Dinners, Soups, Canned
Vegetables, Baked Chips, Pretzels