Asthma Literacy Level 2
What is it?
*Asthma- Bronchial Passages in the Lungs Constrict, Narrow
Making it Harder to Breathe, Restricts Air Flow
*Inflammation of the Airways- Redness/Swelling in the Lungs
*Attack- Harder to Catch your Breathe, Like Breathing
through a Straw
*Lungs Sensitive to- Pet Dander, Smoke, Dust, Cold Weather,
Mold, Roaches, Chemicals, Smoke, Pollution, Infections
*Symptoms- Shortness of Breathe, Wheezing, Tightness in Chest,
Throat Clearing, Breathing Faster, Pale, Sweaty, Sunken Spaces
between Ribs, Poor Posture, Skin Irritation , Dry Mouth, Runny
Nose, Tired, Restless, Cranky
What can I do?
*See your Physician- as needed
*See RD- for help as needed *See FFF RD- on line for help
*AVOID- Nuts*, Milk, Eggs, Peanut Butter*, Shellfish,
Wheat, and Soy; Anger, Stress, Afraid, Depression
-Other Trigger Foods- Citrus Fruits as Orange, Grapefruit,
Fruits with Sections; Sulfites, Yeast, Caffeine
-Try- Organic Foods like Fruits, Vegetables, Spices, Real Labels
*Drink- Lots of Water/Fluids