Calculations for Calories, Protein and Fluids 2

Calculations for Kilocalories,
Protein, & Fluid
1. Calorie/Kilocalorie Needs
Kcal to maintain weight = Weight x 12 if light exercise
 x 14 if moderate exercise
 x 16 if strenous exercise
2. % of IBW = Weight IBW
3. Protein Needs= IBW 2.2 x 1.0 - 1.5 depending on skin and total
protein/albumin lab work
4. Fluid Needs = Weight 2.2 x 30
Example: Weight = 150/Height 5’7”/male
 IBW= 148 (+/- 10% = 133-163)
Kcal needs: 148 x 12 = 1776
 Kcal to maintain weight: 150 x 12 = 1800
 % of IBW = 1800 1776 = 101%
Protein needs = 148 2.2 = 67 gms/day
Fluid needs= 150 2.2 x 30 = 2045 cc/day
Add 500 cc fluid if dehydration, foley cath., vomiting, diarrhea, fever
- Protein if skin breakdown or broken bones.