Calories in Foods

Calories In Foods
Carbohydrates (CHO)/Sugars: Help us make energy (4 Calories per Gram)
Simple Sugars: Candy, Fruit, Fruit Drink Mixes, Fruit Juices, Honey, Jam, Jelly,
Popsicles,Table Sugar, Sherbet, Soda, Syrup
Complex Carbohydrates: Baked Goods, Beans (Refried, Kidney) Breads, Whole
 Grain Cereals/Crackers/Pasta Products, Sweet Potatoes
Some foods contain both simple and complex carbohydrates as: cakes, cookies,
pastries, sweetened cereals, muffins with added nuts, coconut
Protein: Build and Repair Tissue, maintenance, growth and development, structure
of muscles and red blood cells (hemoglobin) (4 Calories Per Gram)
Animal Sources: (High Biological Value Protein): Dairy-Cheese, Ice Cream, Whole
Milk, Butter, Eggs, Eggnog, Fish, Chicken, Meat, Poultry
Vegetable Sources: (Low Biological Value Protein & High In Fiber): Dried Peas and
Beans, Lentils, Nuts, Peanut Butter, Seeds, Tofu
Fats: Give us Satiety (a feeling of fullness) (9 Calories Per Gram)
Polyunsaturated Fats: (Help Lower Cholesterol) Margarine (Vegetable as Canola,
Cottonseed, Corn, Cottonseed, Sunflower, Safflower,
Sesame, Soybean)
Saturated Fats: (Raise Cholesterol) Butter, Shortening, Meats, Whole Milk, Cheeses,
Tropical Fats, Milk, Cheese, Ice Cream, Tropical Fats, Palm, Palm
Kernel, Coconut, Coconut Oil, Coconut Butter