CardiovascularDisease (CVD) (Children at High Risk/Obesity)

CardiovascularDisease (CVD)
(Children at High Risk/Obesity)
Areas of Concern:
*BMI > 85%- mildly overweight, > 95%- moderately overweight, body fat too high
-Girls- start at 10 plus 14/Boys- age plus 13
*Lipids/Lipoproteins- Total Cholesterol > 170 mg/dl- borderline
-> 200 mg/dl- elevated
-LDL Cholesterol- > 110 mg/dl- borderline, > 130 mg/dl- elevated
-HDL-C- < 35 mg/dl
-Triglycerides- > 110 mg/dl- borderline
-> 130 mg/dl- elevated
*Blood Pressure- > 90% for age, height, sex
Signs and Symptoms associated with Obesity:
*Hyperinsulinemia/Insulin resistance- Diabetes, Hypoglycemia
*Low serum levels of HDL-C, small/dense LDL particles, high Triglyceride
*Increased- apolipoprotein B serum concentrations, serum fibrinogen
concentrations, production of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-I)
*61.8 Million Americans have CVD- 1 of every 2.5 deaths in US in 2000
*Life expentancy- would increase 7 years if major forms of CVD were eliminated
*Estimated Cost (CVD/Stroke in US in 2003)- $351.8 Billion
*CVD- claims more lives than combination of next 5 leading causes
What can I do?
*See your Physician- Diet and Exercise Program
*See RD for Diet Program *See FFF RD on line for help