Cerebral Palsy Literacy Level 2
Cerebral Palsy
What is it?
*Cerebral Palsy- 4 Types, is Not a Disease, Not Progressive
Cause is Unknown, 10-15% due to Birth Injuries
-Spastic- Stiff Muscles, Weak, Poorly Developed, Seizures
-Choreoathetoid- Muscles Move Slow, Jerky, Sleep Alleviates
-Ataxia- Shaky Movements, Poor Coordination,
Legs Widely Spaced, Unsteady Gait
-Mixed- 2 of the Above Types, usually Spastic, Choleoathetoid
*Premature Infants- 10 times more common
*Brain- Blood Vessels are Poorly Developed, Bleed Easily,
Can’t Supply Needed Oxygen to the Brain
*High Bilirubin Levels- can lead to Brain Damage
*First Year of Life- can develop Sepsis, Meningitis, Trauma,
Severe Dehydration, Brain Injury, can result in Cerebral Palsy
*Speech- Difficult to Understand, Below Normal Intelligence
What can I do?
*See your Physician- as needed
*See RD- for help as needed *See FFF RD- on line for help