Chicken Pox (Varicella)
What is it?
*Minor contagious illness
Who does it affect?
*Rash with red spots- a few or hundreds, the rash can cover the entire body
including the mouth, throat, ears, groin and scalp
*Spots- turn into blisters that fill with pus, break and crust over
*Itches tremendous
*More serious- in teens and adults
What are the Symptoms?
*Fever, loss of appetite, fatigue, headache, weak for about 2 days
*Spots appear for about a week and then subside in about 2 weeks
*After exposure to the virus symptoms appear in about 2 weeks
What do I need to do?
*Children can return to school after a week of the rash making sure that the
blisters not crushed over are fully clothed
*Get vaccine at 12 to 18 months of age
*Teens and adults- need 2 doses of the vaccine
*Discuss with your Physician