Diarrhea 2
What is it?
*Natural and necessary process, elimination of what is making the body sick
*Increase in the volume, wateriness and frequency of bowel movements
*Watery, uncomfortable bowel movements that can lead to dehydration
-See FFF Dehydration
Remember to:
*Wash your hands before cooking, serving or eating foods
*Wash hands correctly See FFF Hand washing
*Ask your Physician about side effects of any medication you are using
*Check diet for lactose or gluten intolerance
*Sorbitol, artificial sweetener can cause diarrhea
*Learn to manage stress
*Store and serve food properly Hot foods 140 or higher and Cold foods
40 or lower, if Fever increase calories and fluids
*Replace Sodium and Potassium with- Banana, crackers, cheeses,
buttermilk, broth. potato chips
*Serve foods often, small amounts, add apples, plain, low fat, lightly seasoned
What do I need to do?
*See a Physician he may prescribe antibiotics or tell you to take Pepto-Bismol
*Drink plenty of fluids See FFF Fluids, Clear Liquid Diet
*Stay away from milk and dairy products
*See a Registered Dietitian for more information
*Avoid fried or fatty foods and high sugar foods
*Follow Clear Liquid Diet for 24 hours then a Bland diet for 1-2 days
-See FFF Bland diet plan