Down’s Syndrome (Mongolism)
What is it and what can I do?
*Congenital defect
*Caused by- trisomy (extra chromosome making 3 of a kind) of chromosome 2-
responsible for 95% of Down’s (1 in 700 newborns)- 20% > 35 years old
-extra chromosome from father in 1/3 to 1/4 of cases
*Direct correlation between- maternal age and the incidence of the syndrome
-> 35 years of age
-abnormal blood levels of- alpha-fetoprotein (protein from fetus), estriol (an estrogen),
human chorionic gonadotropin (Hormone produced by placenta) increased risk
Signs and Symptoms:
*Children- often overweight, short, quiet, rarely cry, small head, flat/broad face,
slanting eyes, short nose, large tongue, small/low set ears, short/broad hands, short
fingers, crease across the palm, 35% have heart defects
*Mental retardation, physical abnormalities
*IQ about 50 (100 for a normal child)
*50% of all miscarriages during first 3 months fetus has a chromosomal abnormality
*Family history increases
What can I do?
*See a Physician
*See FFF RD on line for help
*See RD for help with meal planning
-to prevent obesity/overweight
-assist with feeding problems
-adequate nutrients, calories
-never rush at meal time, decrease stress, encourage socializing with others