Down’s Syndrome (Mongolism) Level 3

Down’sSyndrome (Mongolism)
What is it and what can I do?
*Down’s Syndrome- Congenital defect, have Amniocentesis
*Caused by- extra chromosome making 3 of a kind/of chromosome
2- responsible for 95% of Down’s (1 in 700 newborns)- 20% > 35
years old, extra chromosome from father in 1/3 to 1/4 of cases
*Direct correlation between- maternal age and the incidence of the
syndrome-> 35 years of age; 50% of all Miscarriages during first 3
Months, Family History Increases
Signs and Symptoms:
*Children- often Overweight, Short, Quiet, rarely Cry, Small Head,
Flat/Broad Face, Slanting Eyes, Short Nose, Large Tongue, Small/
Low Set Ears, Short/Broad Hands, Short Fingers, crease across the
Palm, 35% have Heart Defects
*Mental Retardation, Physical Abnormalities
*IQ- about 50 (100 for a normal child)
What can I do?
*See a Physician
*See FFF RD- on line for help *See RD- Meal Planning
*Goals- to Prevent Obesity/Overweight, Assist with Feeding
Problems, Adequate Nutrients, Calories, Never Rush at Meal Time,
Decrease Stress, Encourage Socializing with others