Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
What is it?
*Needed for synthesis of DNA, maturation of RBC’s
*Hyperchromic nonmegablastic/macrocytic anemia
Signs and Symptoms:
*Anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea, easy fatigue, malnutrition, smooth/red tongue,
coldness of extremities, lethargy, poor wound healing
*Folic acid/Folate/Folvite-1-5 mg. folic acid/day, Vitamin C promotes absorption
-Leucovorin-active reduced form-administer with folic acid
*Caused by inadequate diet, alcoholism, intestinal malabsorption, pregnancy
*Similar to B12 deficiency- need high levels of folate, B12 helps folate travel in cells
*Increase folate needs- hepatitis, burns, inflammatory diseases, cancers,
pregnancy/lactation, hemolytic anemias, surgery, infection
*Malabsorption with- Crohn’s disease, alcoholism, dialysis, celiac disease, blindloop syndrome, acquired/congenital megacolon, oral contraceptives, INH for TB,
*1 Fresh Fruit per day- needed folate per day, also in leafy vegetables, fish, legumes,
meats, broccoli, grapefruit, also in fortified flours, breads, rice, cornmeal, rice per FDA
What can I do?
*See your Physician
-Schilling test, folate tests, serum B12 level
-check for malabsorption, MVI usually does not contain folic acid
*See RD for help as needed
*See FFF RD on line for help
*Increase folic acid, folate, C/B complex vitamins, Protein, Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe)
*6-8 small meals daily, may need Bland/Soft/Liquids