High Risk Infant
HighRisk Infant
What is a High Risk Infant?
*Identified according to birth weight, gestational age
*Infants born before 33 weeks of gestational age
*Weighing less than 2000 grams (approximately 4.1 to 4.3 pounds)
*Infants at greatest risk are those weighing 3.1 to 3.25 pounds)
*3-4% of newborn infants are High Risk
*Feedings- to promote optimal growth and development, decreasing complications
*Catch up growth occurs at 3 months
*Infant usually discharged when weight is stable at 5.2 to 5.4 pounds
What factors contribute to a High Risk Infant?
*Maternal - bleeding, shock, oversedation, drug reaction, diabetes, hypertension,
eclampsia, immunosuppressive therapy
*Neonatal- infection, can’t regulate temperature, central nervous system alterations,
respiratory distress, prematurity, severe congenital abnormalities, surgical problems,
hematologic problems
What do I need to do?
*See Physician- about vitamin and mineral supplementation
-monitor uncoordinated sucking, swallowing reflexes
-monitor immature gastrointestinal tract, respiratory distress, surgical, cardiac, etc...
-parenteral feeding may be required
-Biochemical- total protein, serum albumin, blood glucose, BUN, serum bilirubin,
serum calcium, electrolytes (Na, K, Cl), metabolic acidosis, base deficit
-Urine specific gravity, osmolality
-Daily weight gain, weekly head circumference and length
*See a Registered Dietitian for help and understanding of weight