Iron (Fe) Level 3
Iron (Fe)
What does it do?
*Hemoglobin (formation), the red substance in the blood that
carries oxygen (O2) to the cells, oxygen transport
*Helps- use Oxygen (O2)
*Improves- Quality of Blood
What are the deficiency symptoms?
*Anemia- fatigue, pale skin See FFF Anemia
*Breathing difficulties
Best Food Sources:
*Liver, Kidney, Organ Meats, Lean Meats, Fish, Clams, Pork, Beef,
Chicken, Tofu, Oysters, Soybeans, Potatoes, Eggs, Dried Fruits,
Molasses, Whole Grain or Enriched Breads/Cereals, Dark Green
Leafy Vegetables, Dried Peas/Beans), enriched Flour/Flour products
*Vitamin C- increases iron absorption See FFF Vitamin C
U.S. RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance):
*Infants- 6 mg.
*Children-10 mg.
*See a Physician or Registered Dietitian- for help with Fe (Iron)
*Increase- Fiber, Fluids, Oranges, Citrus Fruits
*Decrease- Stress