Lactose Intolerance Level 3

What Is It?
*Uncomfortable Stomach Problems- Gas, Diarrhea, Stomach
Cramps, Bloating can be Mild or Severe
*Inability to breakdown lactose (sugar in milk)- AVOID Milk,
Butter, Margarine, Yogurt, Luncheon Meats, Hotdogs, Sausage,
Milk Chocolate, Processed Meats, Cream Soups, Cream, Cheese,
Baked Goods, Salad Dressing, Sour Cream, Gravies, Pancake Mix,
Biscuits, Cookies, Some Medications
*Lactose- develop as Children and begin to Lose as we get Older

Easier to Digest- Yogurt, Acidophilus Milk, try Cheddar or
Swiss Cheese, Lactose-Reduced Milk (Lilae Lactaid, Dairy Ease)
*Secondary to the disease- Stomach Diseases, Calcium and
Vitamin D Deficiency
*See your Physician- about a lactase tablet, Calcium needs
*Talk with a RD- find out how much You can Tolerate without a
Problem-Read Labels, Trial and Error, Never Eat Alone
*See FFF RD- on line for help as needed with Lactose Intolerance
*Milk Allergies- have breathing problems, rashes
*Calcium- Juices Fortified with Calcium, Broccoli, Dried Peas &
Beans, Fish/Salmon with Soft Bones, Seafood,
Blackstrap Molasses, Lactose Reduced Milk
-AVOID- Calcium with Oyster Shells
*Vitamin D- 15 minutes of Sunlight a Day, Eggs, Liver