Lice and Scabies
Lice & Scabies
What is it?
*Lice- white, tiny, wingless insects
-Live- on clothing, hair, skin
-Feed by- biting skin, sucking blood
*Pubic Lice- crabs, live in the groin, eyelashes, underarms
-Spread- by sexual contact
*Scabies- tiny mites, burrow under the arm, lay eggs
-Live- between folds of skin, fingers, toes, wrists, groin, underarms
Signs and Symptoms:
*Allergic Rash- itch for both lice and scabies
*Itching- may last several weeks
*Nix or RID- nonprescription medication for lice
*Spread- close contact, physical, clothing, brushes, combs, bedding, towels
*Prevention- prompt treatment of itching, lice with tiny eggs or nits attached to
the head by the hair shafts
-AVOID- close contact with others
What can I do?
*See your Physician for treatment and prevention
*See RD for help as needed *See FFF RD on line for help
*Treated- prescribed medication applied over the entire body, let dry and
keep on > 24 hours
*Wash- combs, brushes, bedding, cloths, wash or freeze for > 24 hours