Pink Eye Level 3
Pink Eye
What is it?
*Pink Eye- Red Lines on the Surface of the Eye and Eyelid
*Causes- Viruses/Bacteria, Dry Air, Smoke, Fumes, Chemicals,
Dust, Mold, Animal Hair, Pollen, Allergies
Signs and Symptoms:
*Pink Eye- Red/Swollen Eyelids, Itching, Burning, Redness in the
Whites of the Eye, Sensitive to Light, Feels like Sand in the Eye,
Eyes usually Leak at Night, like Glue that Sticks the Eye Together
*Pink Eye- Antibiotic Ointment or Eyedrops get on the Eyelash, it
will Melt into the Eye, if Fluid from the Eye is Green or Yellow
*Compresses- Warm or Cool as needed
*AVOID- Sharing Towels, Pillows, Makeup, Eyeshadow, Contacts
*Clear Up- 5-7 Days, can last Several Weeks
What can I do?
*See your Physician
*See RD- for help as needed *See FFF RD- on line for help
*ALWAYS- WASH YOUR HANDS Before/After treating Pink Eye
*Eye Goggles- when dealing with Chemicals, Follow Directions
AVOID- Makeup, Contacts, Mascara, any Irritant
*Rest- your eyes often, take short breaks, close your eyes