Pituitary Gland

What is it?
*Master Gland - controls many other endocrine glands
*Pea-sized structure, hangs from the base of the brain, attached by nerve fibers
to the hypothalamus - controls pituitary function
*Pituitary has 2 lobes, anterior, posterior - produce range of hormones
*Anterior lobe - triggered by hypothalamus makes at least 6 hormones
*Posterior lobe - hormones stored here released into blood stream as needed
*Hypophyseal portal system - vessels that carry regulatory hormones to the
anterior pituitary lobe from the hypothalamus
*Neurosecretory cell has 2 hormones - ADH (Antidiuretic hormone/vasopressin),
oxytocin, produced in hypothalamus, flow through cell axons to posterior pituitary
*Kidney tubules- ADH controls amount of water excreted in the urine, helps to
constrict small arteries when blood pressure falls, helps control blood pressure
*Oxytocin - uterine contractions during labor, stimulates release of breast milk
Hormones and the Organs they affect: Organs in RED, Hormones in BLUE
*Corticotropin - controls secretion and production of hormones by the adrenal
*Growth hormone - controls growth, development, protein production
-muscles, bones
*Follicle-stimulating hormone and Luteinizing Hormone - controls reproduction as
sperm, semen, egg maturation, menstrual cycles, hair distribution, muscle formation,
voice, skin thickness and texture, personality traits - ovaries, testes
*Oxytocin - milk production/uterus muscles, milk ducts contracting/mammary
*Prolactin - milk production in the mammary glands, starts and maintains
*TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) - production and secretion of hormones of
thyroid gland
*ADT (vasopressin) - causes kidneys to retain water, helps control blood pressure
with aldosterone
*Endorphins and Enkephalins - brain
*Beta-melanocyte-stimulating hormone - skin