Potassium High and Low Level 3

Potassium (K+) High and Low
 © Food Fitness First, Inc. ™ All rights reserved.
What is it?
 Potassium- Needed for Cells, Muscles, and
 Too High- Abnormal Heart Rhythm or Cardiac Arrest, > 5.5,
Heart could STOP Beating
Sources of Potassium:
 Bananas, Tomatoes, Oranges, Melons,
Potatoes, Greens, Peas, Beans, Salt Substitutes,
Green Leafy Vegetables, Broccoli
What happens if too Low?
 Too Low- Abnormal Heart Rhythm or Cardiac Arrest, < 3.8
 Kidneys- are not Working or too much K+ has been Lost
through the Stomach because of Vomiting, Diarrhea, Using
Laxatives Daily, or Colon Polyps
 Diuretics- cause Loss of Sodium, Potassium and Water
 Eating Large Amounts- of Licorice or Chewing Certain
Types of Tobacco
What do I need to do?
 See a Physician or a Health Care Provider
 Talk with a Registered Dietitian or a FoodFitnessFirst RDon line for help with your diet plan, menus, or other
information as is needed