Snake Bites
Snake Bites
What is it?
*Poisonous Snack Bite- Rattlesnakes, Copperheads, Cottonmouths or Water
Moccasins, Coral Snakes
Signs and Symptoms:
*Common Symptoms- rapid pulse, numbness/tingling, nausea/vomiting, loss of
muscle coordination, fever, increased thirst, excessive sweating, blurred vision,
weakness, dizziness, fainting, convulsions, burning, diarrhea, severe pain in 1 area,
fang marks in the skin with swelling at the site, bloody wound discharge
*Wear- snake proof boots, high leather boots; wear long, thick pants
*Avoid- stepping where you cannot see, putting your hands where you
cannot see, walking at night is you cannot see, handling dead snakes
*Stay Calm- lie down, keep the bitten area lower than your heart, drink a
nonalcoholic beverage in small amounts frequently to prevent shock
*Yearly- Thousands are bitten, about 10 people die; nearly 8,000 bites in US
*Snack Bite Kits- Extractor, only offer temporary relief and should only be used
instructed on how and when to do by an expert
*Non-Poisonous Snake bite- cause infection, allergic reaction in some people
What can I do?
*See your Physician
*CALL 911- if you suspect a snake is poisonous, take the snack with you
-Be Careful- when handling a dead snack, reflexes last up to 60 minutes after the
snake is dead
*Most Medications- for snake bites are successful if taken within 4 hours
of the snake bite, less effective after this
*After bitten- immobilize, keep lower than the heart, wash area with soap and
water, cover with clean. cool compress or moist dressing to maximize discomfort
and swelling, monitor vital signs