SpinaBifida & NeuralTubeDefects Level 3

SpinaBifida &
Neural Tube Defects
What is it?
*Spina Bifida- Birth Defect that does Damage to the Spine and
Nervous System
-Occurs- in 150 out of 100,000 Births
-Spina Bifida Cystica- is Worse
-Spina Bifida Occulta- Seen in 10% of Children and Adults
*Myelomeningocele- more severe form of malnutrition
Signs and Symptoms:
*Club Foot, Curving of the Back, Muscle Disorders, Dislocated Hip
*Correct Constipation- Increase Fiber and Fluids
What can I do?
*See your Physician
*See FFF RD on Line *Visit Your Local Health Department
*Set Goals- for Weight, Exercise, Protein, Fiber, Fluid,
*Weight- Should be a Healthy Weight for Height
*Exercise- Daily for 15 Minutes and Increase to 30 Minutes/Day
*Protein- Bake or Broil Chicken without Skin and Fish with
Less Pork and Beef, Eggs 3 Times per Week
*Fiber- Increase Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains
*Fluids- Increase Water, Sugar Free Drinks if Overweight
*Caffeine- Should Limit causes Blood Pressure to Increase