Styes (Hordeolum)
What is it?
*Sty- noncontagious infection of the eyelash follicle
-appearance- small, red bump, pimple like
-where- edge of the eyelid, in the eyelid, under the eyelid
-after a few days- comes to a head, breaks open, small amount of pus
*Common- not serious, go away on their own, usually a staphylococcal infection
Signs and Symptoms:
*Edge of the eyelid- redness, tenderness, pain, swelling
*Swollen area- small, round, tender
*Eye- may water, be semsitive to bright light, feel as a speck of dirt in eye
entire lid may swell, usually a small area of the lid is swollen, painful
*Rubbing the eye, do not mash like a pimple
*Eye makeup, contact lens until healed
*Most people- who develop styes do so repeatly
*Majority of people- 1-2 styes their life
What can I do?
*See your Physician
*See FFF MD on line for help as needed
*See FFF Pharmacist on line for help
*Apply Compresses- warm, moist for 5 to 10 minutes 4 to 6 times/day
-continue until sty comes to a head, drain