Types of Anemia

Types ofAnemias
What is it?
*Hematological disorder-reduced number of RBC’s (Red Blood Cells), number of
volume packed red cells (Hemocrit), reduced amount of Hemoglobin (Protein that carries Oxygen)
*Fanconi’sAnemia- heredity condition, have to have bone marrow transplantation
*Hyperchromia- excessively pigmented blood
*Hypochromia- low level of Hemoglobin (Hgb)
*MacrocyticAnemia- RBC’s larger than normal, inadequate amount of B12, folic acid
*MegaloblasticAnemia- large, nucleated abnormal RBC’s, irregular shape
*MicrocyticAnemia- RBC’s very small in size, usually a Iron (Fe) deficiency
*Normochromia- normal level/color of hemoglobin
*NormocyticAnemia-RBC’s normal size, inhibition of marrow by chronic disease/infection
*PerniciousAnemia- irregular in shape
*SpherolyticAnemia (familial hemolytic jaundice)- heredity anemia, RBC’s are sphere
Signs and Symptoms:
*Hypoxia, light-headedness, fatigue, weakness, inability to exercise, shortness of breath
pica (craving for ice, cornstarch, dirt), tongue irritation (glossitis), cracks at the corners
of the mouth (cheilosis), fingernails with a spoonlike deformity (koilonychia)
*Decreased Oxygen carrying capacity, decreased oxygen supply
*Severe- heart attack, stroke
*Erythrocyte Life Span- 120 days
*Normal RBC’s- doughnut like shape
*Anemia/Jaundice- occur from destruction of abnormal
cells by the spleen--no cure, surgical removal
What can I do?
*See your Physician
*See RD for help as needed
*See FFF RD on line for help
*Increase foods high in Fe (Iron), folic acid