Urinary Tract Infection Level 3
What Is It?
*Urge- to go to the Bathroom when you just Went
*Burning or Pain- during Pee Peeing
*Cystitis-Infection of the Bladder
WHAT are the symptoms?
*Frequent and Urgent- need to Pee Pee
*Painful when Pee Peeing, Do Not Hold Pee Pee
*Blood in the Pee Pee
*Lower Back or Stomach Pain
*Cloudy Urine- Reddish in Color, Unusual Odor
*Chills or Fever- if the Infection is Severe
*7 Million- Visits to the Doctor Yearly
*Affects Women- (8 times more likely to get) more than
Men and Children
*Prostate Gland- in Men Produce Fluids that slow Bacteria Growth
*AVOID- Tub Baths
*Always- Wipe Back and Not Forward due to Germs
*Bladder- Normally Cleanses itself of Bacteria
*80-90% of UTI’s- caused by Bacteria in the Rectum
*See your Physician- immediately
*Drink- plenty of Water and Cranberry Juice
*Talk with a Registered Dietitian or Visit the Health Department