
What and where is it?
*Loss of fluids and calories
*Unpleasant feeling in the abdomen as nausea
*Forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth
What are the causes?
*Virus, parasites, bacteria, stress, motion sickness, rich foods, ulcer, gallbladder
disease, pregnancy, drugs, chemotherapy, morphine
*Obstruction of the intestines, stomach or gallbladder
*Psychological Problems - intentional as to decrease weight, avoid going to school,
anxiety situation
*Nausea and Vomiting are often seen with: Chemotherapies, drugs, dying person,
eating disorders, esophageal rupture, food poisoning, gastroenteritis, morning
sickness in pregnancy, meningitis, newborns, projectile, traveler’s
-See FFF for more information as needed
What can I do?
*See a Physician
*Suck on ice chips, drink Clear Liquids for 24 Hours - See FFF Clear Liquids Diet
*Avoid sweetened beverages - fruit drinks or fruit flavored drinks
*Avoid solid foods
*Gradually add solid foods and begin with bananas, rice, applesauce, toast
(BRAT Diet), Clear Liquids and unsweetened cereals
*See a Registered Dietitian for help with Meal Planning
-Clear Liquid Diet
-BRAT Diet
-Progression of Solid Foods