Vomiting Level 3
What and Where is it?
*Vomiting- Loss of Fluids and Calories; Nausea
*Unpleasant Feeling- in the Stomach
*Forceful Expulsion- of Stomach Contents through the Mouth
What are the Causes?
*Virus, Parasites, Bacteria, Stress, Motion Sickness, Rich Foods,
Ulcer, Gallbladder Disease, Pregnancy, Drugs, Chemotherapy
*Obstruction- of the Intestines, Stomach or Gallbladder
*Psychological Problems - as to Decrease Weight,
Avoid Going to School, Anxiety
*Nausea and Vomiting are often seen with- Chemotherapies,
Drugs, Dying Person, Eating Disorders, Food Poisoning, Morning
Sickness in Pregnancy, Meningitis, Newborns
What can I do?
*See a Physician
*Suck on- Ice Chips, drink Clear Liquids for 24 Hours
*Avoid- Fruit Drinks, Sweet Drinks, Solid Foods, Bananas, Rice,
Applesauce, Toast, Unsweet Cereals, Add Foods
*See a Registered Dietitian- for help with Meal Planning
*Visit Your Local Health Department