What Do I Feed My Child? 3-5 Years

What Do I Feed
My Child?
3-5 Years

Feeding Tips-Children 3-5
9 Patience!
9 Remember messes will be made
9 Present food in a positive manner
9 Seat child securely, let child him/herself
9 Provide safe foods, small amounts of new foods
9 Give soft foods, finger foods, sit to eat
9 Let child help with shopping, cooking, setting table
9 Set limits- encourage table manners, help as needed, talk, encourage
9 Do not over feed- let them decide when they are done eating
9 Remove distractions like the TV, Radio, Internet
AVOID- Eating in the Car, using food as a
reward or punishment, making
the child clean their plate

Physical Activity-3-5
How much should my child grow?
• Growth
o 4 ½ to 6 ½ pounds per year
o 2 ½ to 3 ½ inches per year
Exercises for children:
• Running
• Galloping
• Jumping
• Skipping
• Organized activities like gymnastics & baseball.
• Cognitive development activities like “Simon Says”.
Family Fun:
• Make physical activity a daily activity
• Parents should play with the child
♦ Triycle/bycling
♦ Dancing
♦ Playing catch

What Do I Feed My Child?
How much should my 3-5 year old eat?
Food: Serving size: Number of servings daily:
Milk 4-6 oz. milk 4
Yogurt-1/3 c. Cheese
Vegetables 1-2 Tablespoons 3
Fruits 1-2 Tablespoons 2
Meat 1-1 ½ oz. meat/egg 2
1/3 c. dried peas/beans
1 Tablespoon peanut butter
Breads & Grains ½ -1 slice bread 6
1/3 c. dry cereal
1/3 c. cooked pasta/rice
1/3 c. oatmeal/cream of wheat
*After 2 years you can give the child lowfat milk.
*A quick way to give the appropriate serving size Æ
1 Tablespoon/year of age.