Attention Deficit DIsorder

Attention Deficit Disorder
What is it?
 *Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)- is a short or poor attention span,
inappropriate with or without hyperactivity for the child’s age
Signs and Symptoms:
 Signs and Symptoms- at least 8 of the following must be present for a child to
have ADD (14 are listed)
 -Uncompleted Chores-shifts from one chore or game to another without
completing either
 -Attention- to any chore or game is difficult
 -Often Does Not- Listen, Interrupts others, play quietly.
 -Often Does- Talk excessively, loose what is needed for a chore or game, does
not consider the consequences, seem restless, not sit still, become distracted
easily, have difficulty waiting his or her turn, answer questions before the
question is completed, have problems following instructions
 *ADD- is a problem with concentration, sustained attention, and task
persistence, often impulsive and overactive, behaves poorly, poor
communication skills. Low frustration tolerance
 *ADD Disorder- affects an estimated 5 to 10% of school aged children, 10
times more often in girls than boys, often noticed before age 4 and if not then
by age 7,
 about 20% have learning disabilities, about 60% have problems with their
tempers, about 90% have academic problems, normally not outgrown
 *ADD –is usually inherited, caused by abnormalities in the neurotransmitters
What can I do?
 *See your Health Care Provider- treatment is psycho stimulant drugs,
behavior therapy, routines, modified parenting techniques, takes a series of
intelligence tests both verbal and non-verbal including writing, reading,
arithmetic, and physiological, often eliminate food additives, take large doses
of vitamins, with a goal to improve concentration for the ability to learn
 *See a Registered Dietitian- for help as needed