ADHD/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder & Diet
ADHD/Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder & Diet
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What causesADHD?
• ADHD‐ is AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder. Itisthoughtto possible be frominherited traits or
environmentalfactors, butthe cause stillremains amystery. There is not a cure, butthe propertherapy
ofmedication, behaviortherapy and good nutrition can be used for control.
Signs and Symptoms:
• There are severalsymptomsthat define ADHD;many children have allthree, butmay only have one or
two ofthem. These symptomsshould be presentin atleast 2 environmentsie: home and school or home
and socialsituations, etc.
o Inattention: difficulty paying attention, disorganized work and school habits
o Hyperactivity ‐ Fidgeting,squirming, "always on the go", excessive talking
o Impulsive ‐ impatient, "blurting out", interrupting others
• All ofthese symptoms pointto impairing the person'ssocial or work behavior.
• Not a Reflection‐ of poor parenting or child’sintelligence.
• More Common‐ with a close relative having this condition, usually occurs by 7 years of age.
What can I do?
• See yourHealth Care Provider‐ may do lab tests, MRI, EKG, and initialmedicationsto help the symptoms,
should recommend seeing a registered dietitian and a therapist/counselorto begin therapy forthe person
and family.
• See a RegisteredDietitian‐ for help as needed
• See a RegisteredDietitian ‐ on line for help
o Consistent Therapy‐ can improve the ability to function in school, at work and in socialsettings.
o Diet‐ no proven diet, butmany sourcesfeelthatthe following lifestyle changes can and have
made a difference formany people with ADHD.
Reduce Sweets‐ no soft drinks, candy,sweetened cereals and excessive fruitjuices or
fruit drinks.
Eat More Complex Carbohydrates‐ include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads
and cereals withmore than 2 grams offiber perserving.
Drink‐ lots of water, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables,flax seed
EatHigher Protein Foods‐ Cheese, Eggs, dried peas and beans,meats and nuts
EatOmega‐3 Foods‐ Salmon,sardines, herring tuna, flaxseed oil, flaxseed oil, enriched
milk and breadsthat haveOmega‐3 added (eat aminimumof 2 fishmeals per week)
Sleep‐ aminimumof 8 hours nightly
o Ifthis Fails‐ consider elimination diet and eliminate one food group (wheat, eggs,milk/dairy
foods,soybeans/tofu, corn products,sweeteners, Yellow #5 dye, etc); keep a food journal,
document any changesforthe positive or negative, and if no results, eliminate one otherfood
group. Try to do only one at a time to see what does and does not work.