What is it?
Acute Bronchitis- chest cold, occurs when the bronchial tubes in the lungs
become inflamed, tubes swell and produce mucus causing a cough, often
occurs after a cold/upper respiratory infection
o Prevent Acute Bronchitis- AVOID smoking, second hand smoke,
always wash and sanitize your hands, keep immunizations up to date
Bronchiolitis- infant viral infection, can obstruct small airways, may require
Signs and Symptoms:
Symptoms- SOB/shortness of breath, chest pain, usually last up to 2 weeks
but can last 8 weeks
o Chronic Bronchitis- common among smokers, cough with mucus
about 3 months a year for 2 years back to back
See your Health Care Provider if- temperature > 100.4ºF, fever or cough
with thick or bloody mucus, trouble breathing/SOB, symptoms that last
more than 3 weeks, repeated episodes, chronic lung or heart problem, child
younger than 3 months and has a fever
Causes of Bronchitis- RSV/Respiratory syncytial, adenovirus, influenza,
parainfluenza, bacteria in rare cases, pollutants (airborne irritants,
chemicals), sore throat, soreness in chest, fatigue, mild headache, mild
body aches, watery eyes, low grade fever/less than 102ºF
Antibiotics – do not help is a virus or irritation in the air (cigarette smoke),
acute bronchitis gets better on its own so take antibiotics only if prescribed
due to resistant to antibiotics
What can I do?
See your Health Care Provider- visit to be evaluated, antibiotics
See a Registered Dietitian- for help as needed