Obesity 3

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 Bizarre- Fad Diets, Yo-yo Dieting,
 tend to decrease metabolic rate and lean body mass
 Fruit Juices, Eat Fresh Fruit Only
 Skipping Meals
 Women- Never < 1200 Calories/Day, Men- Never < 1500 Calories/Day-
 sudden death can occur if calories are too low (hypophagia)
 Meals to last 30 minutes or longer, Eat/Chew slow
 Do Not Eat while watching Television
 Do Not Eat after 8:00 at night
 Eat 3 meals a day and 1 snack
 Exercise- 3-5 times per week for 40 minutes to 1 hour
 Use sugarless gums, candies, drinks
 One Pound Weight Gain- demands many extra capillary blood vessels
for circulation
 Premenstrual Weight Gain- 2-5 pounds of fluid
 Intra-abdominal Obesity- linked to insulin resistance, glucose intolerance,
hyperlipidemia, hypertension, cardiovascular problems as MI or stroke
 Ostestra- decreases serum carotenoid/fat soluble vitamin absorption, use
 Smoking Cessation- can lead to weight gain due to increased caloric
consumption, activity level, Moderate/Heavy Smokers- reduce intake 100-
200 calories/day to maintain weight, Fruit helps relieve craving for sweets,
Smokers- tend to eat more calories, fat and ETOH (alcohol), Past-Smokersmore likely to be obese
 Smoking Cessation- lengthens life 2-4 years
What can I do?
 See your Health care Provider
 See a Registered Dietitian- for help as needed
 See a Food Fitness First Registered Dietitian- on line for help