Hallucinogenic Drug Use

Drug Addiction

  • Hallucinogen- LSD/lysergic acid diethylamide, mescaline/peyote, psilocybin/magic mushroom, 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine/DOM/STP/amphetamine derivative
  • Uncontrolled- stimulate the brain, usually more sad after taking the drug, extreme anxiety, panic, may last or days
  • Controlled-STOP


  • Highest Danger- psychologic effects with impaired judgement which can lead to accidents, dangerous decisions
  • Example - Person may think he can fly like a bird and do so out the window
  • Symptoms- distortion of visual and auditory sensations, colors may appear that move in time to the rhythm if listening to music; bizarre delusions, pupils become dilated
  • Flashbacks- may be triggered by alcohol or other drugs; usually disappear over 8 to 12 months but may reoccur for up to 5 years; especially if there is a psychiatric disorder or anxiety
  • Hallucinations- abnormal things that one hears or sees and the person believes that they are actually happening
  • False Hallucinations/Pseudo- that abnormal sensations are not real but are caused by the drugs
  • Help- dark, quiet room, nonthreatening talk; reassurance is needed; may need psychiatric treatment

What can I do?

  • See your Physician- ask or help, talk with about treatment
  • See RD- for help as needed
  • See FFF RD- on line for help
  • Best Treatment- abstain