Alcohol During Pregnancy
Alcohol during Pregnancy
What should I drink during pregnancy?
*No safe level
*Should not drink during pregnancy
Who does it affect the unborn child, what risks increase?
*Physical malformations
*Neurologic abnormalities
*Developmental delay, intellectual problems
*FAS- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - children of drinking mothers
What are the causes?
*Spontaneous abortions, behavioral dysfunction, delayed mental development
*Increase body’s energy requirements, vitamins, minerals (calcium, folate,
magnesium, phosphorus, pyridoxine, thiamin, Vitamin A, zinc
What do I need to do?
*Avoid ALCOHOL during pregnancy
*See your Physician
*Talk with a Registered Dietitian
*Avoid- herbal teas, caffeine, sugar substitutes, pica
-herbal teas - drug-like effect, diuretic, stimulant
-caffeine - < 150 mg./day - 1st trimester, < 300 - 2nd and 3rd trimester
-sugar substitutes- women with PKU (phenylketonuria) should avoid aspartame,
use in moderation
-See FFF Artificial Sweeteners
-pica (clay, cornstarch, dirt, laundry starch, white dirt)- interferes with the ingestion
and absorption of balanced diet