Cholestatic Liver Disease
CholestaticLiver Disease
What is it?
*Cholestasis- interferes with excretion of bile salts needed for absorption/
emulsification of dietary fat
*Biliary obstruction may occur- hyperlipidemia, increased copper accumulation
Signs and Symptoms:
*B-complex Deficiency- Glossitis
*Fe (Iron), Protein Deficiency- hemorrhagic tendencies due to Vitamin K or C
inadequacy, flatulence
*Bile Salts (Ursodiol)- malabsorption
*Fat Soluble Vitamins- D, E, A, K
-20-25 IU d-a-tocopherol for children
*Fat soluble vitamin deficiency- Vitamins D, E, A, K
*Vitamin E deficiency- causes neurologic degeneration, wheelchair dependency
by teenage years
What can I do?
*See your Physician
-Normal bile flow, liver function, prevent liver failure, correct steatorrhea
-Correct malabsorption, deficiency of vitamins, minerals, nutrients
*See RD for help as needed
*See FFF RD on line for help
*Low Fat Diet Plan
*Meals- 6-8 small meals or feedings per day